If HM Revenue & Customs investigate your business it can be disruptive, intrusive and expensive.
A new approach by HMRC
There is a new penalty regime designed to increase the levels of penalties charged where tax has been understated.
Why use Hart Shaw?
We have a wealth of experience in negotiating and dealing with HMRC on investigations. We deal with HMRC on your behalf and keep your involvement down to an absolute minimum, leaving you free to concentrate on your business without distraction. Our negotiations will ensure that the outcome is as favourable as possible, ensuring that you pay no more than the correct amount of tax and that the enquiry is concluded as quickly as possible.
Tax Investigation Service
At Hart Shaw, we understand that an HMRC investigation can have a significant impact from both a personal and a professional perspective.
With the government demanding that HMRC does more to gather as large a tax harvest as it possibly can the number of investigations being carried out is on the up – with new powers granted to the department allowing them to carry out unannounced inspections; check financial records before a tax return is filed; demand records without issuing a formal notice; as well as investigate direct taxes, VAT and employer compliance.
Having the right protection in place from the start, as well as access to specialist financial advice, can help to alleviate the pressure of a tax investigation, which is why our experienced team deals with HMRC on behalf of our clients. Our Tax Investigation service covers any costs incurred and provides complete peace of mind.
We also provide access to one of the UK’s premier Business Support Helplines at no extra cost which delivers advice in areas including:
- Enquiry Law
- Employment Law
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Health and Safety
Get in touch with our experts
If you want to discuss a specific issue, ask us for a quote, or simply find out what we have to offer, complete our quick contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.